My name is George Matthew Cole. I live and do my work in a small town near Seattle, Washington. I’ve written and self-published four novels and helped other aspiring authors to do the same. All of my novels are available on Amazon and for free in Ebook formats on Smashwords.
Although writing was fulfilling, it was hard work. For me there was little return from the amount of energy I invested. The bottom line is that I wanted people to read what I wrote and not enough did. In the end we need to be happy with the end result of our work. I completed four books that I am happy with. However, I found out very soon that I could receive an almost instant response to my photography work. And many people seemed to like what I was doing. The move into that creative area was an easy one. I still receive great enjoyment out of snapping photos and processing them.
I think of myself as a “lazy photographer” because I don’t use many of the in-camera techniques recommended by the experts. Also I try to keep my equipment to a minimum. More about that on another page. As far as experience, I have been serious about this photo stuff for about 7 years. I keep trying to improve and get my results in front of as many people as possible. So far it’s been all good. I happily shoot what I want and don’t do gigs. I’ll leave weddings and portrait sessions to others. If people like what they see and want to use the images, I am on many stock photo sites. Also I post continuously on social media sites for free. And…if all of the interest in my work vanishes. I do a photo book of my grandchildren every year and it never fails to please.